How faith has influenced my life

Jay Choe
2 min readAug 7, 2021

My grandfather is an atheist.

My grandmother is an atheist.

My father is an atheist.

My mother is an atheist.

My sister is an atheist.

I became a Christian 1 year ago.

“We’ve always raised you to think independently!” “Haven’t you read all the books we’ve given you?!” and the litany of criticisms continue. In full disclosure, I did not intend to rock the foundation of my secular upbringing. In truth, I became a Christian by accident.

All things considered, I had a healthy suburban upbringing with a solid-family and friendship milieu. Then, on October 2020, I rear ended my dad’s expensive car into a tow truck. The gentleman I hit was 6’5, close to 300 pounds and looked as if he was on an all protein diet. I’ll be honest, I was afraid to get out of my car. When he walked up to my window, I’ll never forget his words “Are you okay son?” I was floored. We exchanged information. I had to admit that on the outside, this guy was so menacing looking but his personality/demeanor/voice were the exact opposite. In fact, I mustered the courage to tell him as much. It turns out that Jackie was a part-time truck driver and a part-time pastor. He even invited me to his church. I don’t know why, but in two-weeks time, I was sitting in a pew in a small church in Santa Ana, California.

And so, I became a Christian. Born again. I’ve renewed faith in my fellow man because of Pastor Jackie. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to convert my family or friends. I’m just here to state that Christ’s message comes in many shapes and forms. You just have to be open to it and be willing to receive it.

